
Cynthia Luvs, 8th April
I'm astonishingly awkward, easily affected and extremely negative.

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Posted on 09 July 2012 ♥
I'm so not gonna pin my hopes on anyone anymore, I'm sick of getting upset and disappointed. Fuck everyone else, I shall live my life on my own. No one matters anymore and no one is worth it anymore. 有的时候真的害怕自己只剩下一个人,害怕孤单。可有的时候又觉得一个人,可以不吵不闹不炫耀、可以很宁静,也很好。

So anyway! Maggie again on a Friday night and this time, with scallops which mom bought! Yay! :D

Maggie goreng with egg and scallops!  

 And on Saturday, mom cooked the whole pot of seafood for dinner! Super sumptuous already! :D

Scallops, Sliced fish, Tofu, Egg Tofu, Prawns, Cauliflower! ^-^

Then Jang jang jang jang, APPLE STRUDEL after the meal! Super favourite!! ♥♥♥


Dinner yesterday from brother! Family is still the best :')

Japanese Rice + Fried Fish w Mayo! :D

Super yummy but a pity that the fish was too small in portion but overall, it's still delicious! ♥

Went out alone today, which was a rather bad day. All the shits in a day, cannot tahan! -_- Bullshits people, bullshits day!

Bought $10 worth of breads from Bread Talk, the only thing which could make me happy is food! Literally smiling like a idiot while buying the breads, hahahah! So long since I last went to a bakery to 'shop'! All the pretty and yummy little things, come to mama! :D

My breakfast, lunch and dinner! MUAHAHAHA! :D

Mom's birthday coming on Wednesday and it's buffet time! *pray for a good Wednesday* Mad excited! All the sashimi and scallops, please come to me! ^-^

With food around = no negativity for me! :D

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