
Cynthia Luvs, 8th April
I'm astonishingly awkward, easily affected and extremely negative.

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Posted on 15 July 2012 ♥
Just days at home and you can expect pictures from Instagram, as usual! I think I'm a hardcore Instagrammer now! 'Wait wait wait, don't eat first, I Instagram it first!' Hahahah, close friends and mom couldn't stand me now ;( So they could only sit down! LOLOL!

Bro ask me whether I'm abit siao siao because I stay at home too often. Hmmm... I think so too! No money, go out = no face, cannot eat, cannot spend. Stay at home = Save money, nothing do, no need spend = abit siao siao!

So because I've nothing to post on Instagram yet I love to update it everyday so recently, it's mostly my face! WOOHOO :D


Okay lah, enough of me, here's food I had these few days! :D

Mee Rebus yesterday morning, cooked by mom! Loser me, didn't dare to put too much gravy because I can't take spicy well! Super tasty and my breakfast, lunch and dinner was 3 bowls of the above because my mom cooked a whole big pot of it! Madness!!

Mini pepsi from the ABC Shop! So cute but tasted the same as the usual one!

Teatime today! Blueberry ice cream flavoured oreo + meiji's milk! Cold sensation, pretty cool but I still prefer the original kind! :D

And I created a new Twitter and because I'm too used to 'lockthepain', I changed the username back so follow me now! ^-^ https://twitter.com/lockthepain! Thank you thank you! :D

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