![]() Cynthia Luvs, 8th April I'm astonishingly awkward, easily affected and extremely negative. Nuffnang
Posted on 29 February 2016 ♥ Probably the only long post about our ROM that we have been preparing for it since months ago.It was a small event because we both discussed and decided to keep it small since we find it pointless to spend all our savings on banquets and unnecessary costs so it was really a simple one. I thought I would prefer a grand and big wedding event but after that day, I was so thankful that we kept it so simple. Invited only our parents and family members, also a photographer to take some pictures of the day. Managed to get to sleep at almost 2am the night before because I was so scared to be too sleepy the next morning. Woke up at 4AM because I had to bathe and dry my hair then get my make up and hairdo done by a hired makeup artist. Had time to eat some maggie mee after bathing because I knew it will be hard to eat after getting my makeup done. My MUA arrived at 5.50am then started doing my make up at 5.55am while mom have just woke up! Only managed to get everything done at almost 8am when we have to reach ROM at 9.10am latest! Thought I would be done by 7.30am, felt so bad for making Zav's family to wait for me to be done at my place from 6.30am. Damn kuazhang when Zav drove them all over so much earlier than expected when he was supposed to come over at 7.30am. This boy really is no joke. Only picture that Zav took for me while I got my hair done, so sleepy by sitting for almost 2hrs straight when I can barely sit still for long. So torturous but so glad the make up and hair turns out not bad although the hairdo wasn't something I like at first but my MUA managed to adjust it slightly better to my liking last minute. Didn't have any more time to adjust further as there is bound to be traffic in the morning to town especially on a weekday so I couldn't control my slightly disappointed face that my MUA messaged me that she felt really bad towards me. Meh, I felt bad too after that! Drove everyone down to the ROM office, don't know why I felt like driving so Zav went to the back seat and squeezed with his parents and sister while mummy took the front passenger seat! Vroom Vroom to ROM and managed to reach slightly before 9am, just abit langbei when it was raining heavily so Zav and I actually only change our footwear when we reach at the office. Super diao er lang dang please! Met up with the photographer who reached 5minutes after us and the first picture he took of us while we prepare and double check everything before heading to the Solemnization Room at 9.30am! ![]() Brother and his wife didn't managed to join us as both of them have to work since it was a weekday but that's okay if not we would have to take a extra cab. HAHA, sibei realistic, wtf! First couple picture of the day together, looking so tired because we each just have probably 2hrs of sleep the night before and my eyelash was so heavy which makes my eyes looks really sleepy! ![]() That's okay because we still managed to take probably 100+ photos together, would have taken more if it wasn't raining. Booo! Still finds it funny how blue Zav really looks that day with blue suit and blue hair, so much that I calls him a Doraemon. Hahaha mummy says it is because I like blue color so he tries to be so blue for me, maybe? Some photos before we enter the Solemnization Room! ![]() Some family photos! ![]() And some candids! ![]() And 9.30AM to the Solemnization Room! ![]() Entering the room and preparing the rings and pens ourselves! ![]() The real ceremony! ![]() Exchaging rings and vows! I couldn't really hear the solemnizer's words at first so first few words of the first sentence, I probably just stare at Zav then I remember that need to repeat after the solemnizer! HAHAHA, troublemaker. ![]() Last of all was selling ourselves away by signing the paper! ![]() We could leave the room already after passing the solemnizer a red packet! ![]()
And some pictures with our families with the cert! ![]() Wanted to take some pictures with mom alone then Zav saw and happily joined in, TSK! HAHAHA! ![]() To take more photos outdoor when it was just slightly drizzling! Gotten alot mosquito bites though! ![]() Some of the pictures outdoor! ![]() ![]() ![]() Everyone went indoor due to the mosquitos, leaving just the two of us and the photographer so we continued with the shoot before the rain gets bigger! ![]() Not wasting our time that we spent on dolling ourselves up especially when we are really lazy people so we took more pictures! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ended our photoshoot at around 10.30am instead of 11am as we booked the photographer for 2hrs because the rain was getting bigger and we could see the photographer was tired! Zav brought me to the car to bring my change of clothes and I changed to a more casual long sleeve shirt and blue skirt instead after the photoshoot we had. Zav went to get all of us some cakes and snacks because our lunch would be at 12pm and it was not even 11am then so some snacks to fill us up since most of them didn't have much to eat in the morning. Didn't eat any because I was so tired and my eyes felt sooooo heavy! Slacked at the ROM office till 11.30am before we drove to Novotel Hotel for our buffet lunch! While waiting for 12pm so that we could go in, all went for toilet break while I finally took my camera out to use. Only selfie I had on the day, where most of my make up has slightly melted off! Lucky it was super thick and this is one of the thicker makeup look in recent 2years! So not used to fake eyelashes that I removed it after lunch! And Zav who looked extra good that day despite having just 2hrs of sleep! Took just 2 pictures and I was lazy already so felt bad that Zav's Mama and sister kept carrying my camera for me throughout the day! Went in and since we made a reservation a week before, we got our reserved table really quickly! Food choices were pretty limited and there were no cold drinks at all! Only coffee and teas, BOO! There was crazy amount of people after 12.15pm so it was really troublesome to queue for 15minutes or longer just for food. So lucky we came earlier, like 12pm on the dot! Didn't take any pictures of the food since food were pretty average, nothing really impressive to me. Desserts were better than their appetizers or mains! No further complains since we got the vouchers from Deals Ensogo at only $30 per pax so it was $180nett for 6 of us. Went to get gongcha after the meal since there was no cold drinks provided!!! Drove Zav's sister for her exam at NTUC before we went back to send mom to get some fruits at Bangkit then home for me to remove my makeup and bathe! Can't tahan the thick makeup and hair-prayed hair, so bad that I wash my hair 3-4 times! Totally hate hair spray the most but no choice but to suck it up so to look better in pictures. Went back to Zav's place aftermath to 拜祖先 before we slept really early at maybe 8/9pm! That's how the day went! So thankful that we kept it simple thus, less stress!
Never really thought that I would get marry in my life before meeting Zav. Even after we went to BTO and all, I still wasn't in the rush to get married so we was actually intending to get it done this year end or early 2017 and even was in discussion with a wedding planner. After seeing so much things to prepare for a wedding, we decided to keep things really simple with just ROM. No banquets, no gate crush, no invitation to friends and colleagues so we could move the date to be earlier! Managed to get everything done ourselves without any planner since it was a simple event! Although we did have our small fights prior to the ROM, probably me feeling the stress of ROM as most of the stuffs were sourced by me then discussing with Zav. So glad we didn't give up on each other and cancel this big event to us. 16 months plus together doesn't seems like a long time but he is probably someone who goes through alot of thick and thin with me since we always meet each other pretty often except when he goes for work trips or when I was crazy chionging my work. We do have our fair share of fights and quarrels but it's really good to see how much we changed for the better, for our future together. Funny how sometimes I hate how he manages his anger and temper but yet he is always the one there for me through the toughest time I felt so helpless like when my mummy was hospitalized. I felt so depressed because I didn't know how to handle when I was all scared and worried but he was really there for me despite his busy work schedules! So many times he took leave for my problem and always tries his best to be there for me whenever I felt upset or disappointed. Someone who really quit smoking and drinking for me. Someone who changes lots of his bad habits just because I mentioned it to him. Someone who will be concerned whether I have enough to eat and use or not. Someone who always goes out of his way to help me with things be it big or small. Someone who always goes along to my plan and bring me to places I wanna go even if he doesn't like the food/place. Someone who always gets me lots of stuffs, even for my family whenever he goes on work trips. I don't know how long we can be together for even after getting married but I am really thankful to marry you, Zav! <3 Labels: Camwhore, CynZavWedding, Outdoor Shoot |