![]() Cynthia Luvs, 8th April I'm astonishingly awkward, easily affected and extremely negative. Nuffnang
Posted on 09 October 2011 ♥ Part 2 of Cynthia's Life Journey would be on Primary School which wasn't an easy period of time.Moved back to Mom's house at Jurong and made Grandpa to stay with us because I'm a very sticky person. My primary school was located opposite the house which was rather convenient with chains of shops behind our house! :) Primary 1 to 3 was pretty alright because I'm actually the good student in class who doesn't talk alot although I'm talkative but I know when to keep my mouth shut. I do all my homeworks and hand them up on time, just the typical 'guai kia' in class. Didn't have much good friends though, find everyone backstabbing me, lol! My happiest moment were actually with the family; Mom and Grandpa. Would explore around Singapore and take many pictures on Mom's off day! Something crazy like this.. Acting crazy in an outing during Primary 1 Went down all the way after Primary 4 because my form teacher place me in a lousier class just because my Science got a B only :( Lost all my mood and hope for studying, began to skip school and went to help out at Mom's stall lying that there's no school for the day. I actually skipped like 1 month out of the Primary 4 year excluding MC etc. I didn't even had a single good friend in class because I didn't attend school often thus, I always mix with the boys. Something I hate about girls is they doesn't want to talk to you and when you mix/talk to the boys, they badmouth you. Nevermind, got used to it already. Results obviously weren't as good as those who really study but at that point of time, I really lose hope in studying. Passed fairly and got into Primary 5, one class lousier ._. Random picture of 6 years old? x) Primary 5 and Primary 6 were about the same be it on studies or people. Studies were really normal because I couldn't catch up the class, just that sometimes heng heng top the class for a test or something. People wise is once I and someone become good friends, this someone will sure backstab me and spread bullshits about me, spoiling my mood which was bad enough helping me to hate school even more. I can totally feel and see how they despise me from their eyes and actions be it on me not attending school and my not-rich family.. Usually help up at mom's stall when I skipped school and although it's really tough and tiring but at least I was truly happy at that moment. I can feel love and concern from Mom and Grandpa which mainly the reason how I got through 2 shittiest years! Grandma passed away and we were holding funeral when the results were released. I totally didn't had the mood to collect but what to do? I had to. Her death was too sudden and actually affected me alot. It was the first time I lost someone so dear to me, whom actually took care of me for 12 years. She often say she hate and dislike me but I always feel the love from her whenever I stay over at her house during school holidays. I couldn't believe she left me and us All those days spent together with her, leaving her all alone now I really wish that we could use every inch of strength and eagerness to reach for her and get her back. I miss her I really do. Those time she would cook for me Despite her walking difficulties Those things we chatted and talked about was like an everyday thing But now it seems as if the everyday things didn't come everyday. I really miss you, Grandma, and i thank you. Thank you for giving me my mother. She is my everything, if it wasn't for you bearing my mother, she wouldn't be here to give me life. PSLE were fine, at least I got into the express stream unlike what my 'kind and nice' relatives expect! Sometimes I really hate them despising us just because my family isn't rich and complete. Fuck you all. And I can't take their shits like comparing results and jeering at us when it's my grandma's funeral! Thanks for reading! Part 3 on Secondary School life to be up soon Labels: Life Journey |